Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"the killing of Bin Laden and captureing him"

It was about this time last year we killed the man who made the worst day in america history 9/11/01 Osama Bin Laden and this man plan the day without give us a warning and I remember the day watching it on TV early morning 6am before I went to school and Bin Laden was also chicken by hiding and President Bush during his president years wanted to kill him not hard enough and if Bush made a plan like Obama when he killed Bin Laden then on this day we wouldn’t talk about this today but I think when Obama took over office the first thing he wanted is killed Osama on the first day and serveal years Obama told his guys how we killed Bin Laden well we need to plan it and Obama plan it well year by year and 2011 changed the year of his killing and made us all proud of killing of Bin Laden but however Obama and his guys need to do one another thing killing Al Quada and their people then we safe!!


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