Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Having surecitys in all studiums without beer"

I sick of tired of fans getting into fights at sports studiums and getting drunk why it not right and number two I’m OUTRAGE that the cops doesn’t see when it happening that the most suck thing about it and I also fired up for this blog for number of reasons we need to have securitys everywhere in number of stands like near the food court or the parking lot and we also we need to take off the beer drinking why that how fans getting into fights drink too much beer and getting wasted well I say that it need to stop now or else the congress will step up and talk to the conmissers of all sports includeing the FIFA and I rest my case!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Ozie Gullen and need to shut his DAMN mouth"!!

Number one Ozie Gullen always run his damn mouth and this happen in 2006 to now 2012 and If I was him I will keep my mouth shut why Ozie doesn’t know what he sayin and more better for him only speaking spanish not his dirty english and what she said to Castro was unacceptable and waste of time and second of all Ozie need to focus on his team and winning games not running his mouth with soap and I got message for Ozie callate la boca y gana !!