Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blogging tuesday: Amanda Bynes and Justin Biber

I used be a Amanda Bynes fan and along with Justin Biber but now I hate them why too much trouble and screw up for the fans like me Amanda need to shut the F—— up on twitter and stop making excuses and claiming this and that I DON”T CARE its four fault Amanda that you threw the bong and getting too much trouble with the law and take off the stupid wig I bet you are bold and without a nose job and for you Justin Biber I also hate you too why what you do think this is NASCAR driving 100 mph in LA and your neighborhood give me break Justin you know DAMN well not driving super fast and I agree with Eric you want hurt people and killed them well face the hard way Justin Biber your going that way and look you rising your life and putting people in danger and I’m pretty sure Selena Gomez was not happy with your car and driving super fast well Justin she my now HA HA HA  and one more thing Biber for god saints SLOW DOWN for one second I know you love that car and its sick but just slow it down